
Writing is my passion. It allows me to use my natural curiosity and hunger for information and knowledge; my ability to work with data; and my talent to see and describe complex interconnections between things, people, ideas and meanings. It fits my personality and my professional interests and training, and allows me to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with others. Through writing, I can also help create understanding, empathy and appreciation of differences.

For a more complete list of my publications, please see this PDF file.



Academic paper

Discreet Economy: Luxury Hospitality in the Context of Postsocialist Transformation of Czech Society.Laboratorium 5 (1). 73–97. 2013.

Art commentary:

The Hysterical Realism of Martin Kohout.” Jindřich Chalupecký Award. 2017.

Co-authored article for VICE:

Big Fun in Little 2010.



Co-authored essays in the street magazine Nový Prostor

Ach, ty internety!” [Oh, those internets!] 2012.

“Zmatky se sňatky.” [Marriage Fuss.] 2012.

Ženy na bojišti.” [Women on the battlefield.] 2011.

Kdo skoří v módním pekle?” [Who Will Burn in the Fashion Hell?] 2011.

Sveď a smeť.” [Seduce and Destroy.] 2011.

Tvořivost a netvoři v reklamě.” [Creators and beasts in advertising.] 2011.

Volný čas pro povinnosti.” [Leisure time for duties.] 2011.

Sportem k rovnosti?” [With sport to equality?] 2011.

“Alfa samci (verze beta).” [Alpha males (Beta version).] 2011.

Šílené pas de deux.” [Crazy pas de deux.] 2011.

Věda o ‘tom tam dole’… vždyť víte o čem.” [The science of ‘the thing down there…’ you know what.] 2011.

“Evoluce reklamy.” [The evolution of advertising.] 2010.

“Pravda je někde tam venku, část 2.” [The truth is out there, part 2.] 2010.

Pravda je někde tam venku, část 1.” [The truth is out there, part 1.] 2010.

Beze srandy!” [No joking!] 2010.

“Peníze a sňatky.” [Money and matrimony.] 2010.

Ženy bojovnice… s věkem!” [Women in war… against age!] 2010.

Ženy (zlo)činu.” [Women of crime.] 2010.

Geniální nerovnost.” [Genius inequality]

“Emancipace kreditní kartou.” [Emancipation through a credit card.] 2010.

“Hozená punčocha Michelle Obamové.” [The stocking thrown down by Michelle Obama.] 2009.

Technomolky.” [Geekettes.] 2009.

“Kdo bude obsluhovat anglického krále?” [Who will serve the king of England?] 2009.

“Bez práce není legrace.” [No work, no fun.] 2009.


Other essays and articles


“Hysterický realismus Martina Kohouta.” [The hysterical realism of Martin Kohout.] Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého. 2017. (

“Jak strávit současnou gastro-módu?” [How to Digest the Present Gastro Fad.] Labyrint Revue. 2013.

Velká sranda v malé Hanoji.VICE Czechoslovakia. 2010.

Diversão no Bairro Vietnamita Tcheco.VICE Brasil. 2010.



“Daseinizmus.” [Daseinism.] Kloaka: magazín experimentálnej a nekonvenčnej tvorby. 2010.



“Zažívání: role afektu v zážitkové gastronomii.“ [Digesperiencing: affect in “experiential gastronomy.”] Cargo 14 (1–2). 2016. (

“Discreet Economy: Luxury Hospitality in the Context of Postsocialist Transformation of Czech Society.” Laboratorium 5 (1). 73–97. 2013. (

“Břímě i hra: Nepatřičnost, zranitelnost a emoce v etnografickém terénu.” [Burden and Game: Awkwardness, Vulnerability and Emotions in Ethnographic Fieldwork.] In Abu Ghosh et al. Etnografie: Improvizace v teorii a terénní praxi. Praha: SLON. 2013.

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